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“This warning banner applies to the entirety of this system, meaning (1) this computer network, (2) all computers connected to this network, including this one, and (3) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network. This system is provided for authorized Health Alliance Medical Plans use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal penalties.
By using this system, you understand and consent to the following: Health Alliance Medical Plans may monitor, record, and audit your system usage. Therefore, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this system.
At any time, and for any lawful purpose, Health Alliance Medical Plans may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this system. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Health Alliance Medical Plans purpose.”
Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate. It is not intended to replace the legal source. In case of any discrepancy between this information and the legal source, the legal source will govern in all cases. Report a compliance concern or potential fraud, waste or abuse.
Attention: This website is operated by Health Alliance Medical Plans and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov. This website does not display all Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) available through HealthCare.gov. To see all available QHP options, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov.
Also, you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov if: